Category: Shows

foxy radio 29 may 24 feat allan crockford

My special guest is multi talented musician Alan Crockford who is a major figure in Medway’s garage rock scene. Allan plays with The Prisoners a British garage rock band who have a new album, out called “Morning Star” Allan also fronts The Galileo 7 who has been described as a high-energy, psychedelic garage rock’n’roll band. …

foxy radio 3 april 24 featuring murray dalglish

This week Murray Dalglish, the original drummer from The Jesus and Mary Chain.Murray chats to me from his own private rehearsal studio for his current band 2Sevens. He talks about living and life in East Kilbride, his first school band, joining The Jesus and Mary Chain at 16, the reason he took on an apprenticeship, …

foxy radio 27 march 24 featuring crocro land & asbo magazine

My first guest is Angela Martin, co-founder of CRO CRO Land, Croydon’s 2-day music festival on 13 & 14th of April 2024. Also on this show is David Wheller, founder of the DE foundation for South London’s “Asbo” magazine. “ASBO’s” aim is to support young creatives looking for careers within the creative sector. “ASBO” magazine …

foxy radio 20 march 24 featuring Yur mum, rachel love, sam wilde & eugene butcher

Top entertainment on this week’s Foxy show with Fabio & Ane from “Yur Mum” who will be chatting & playing tracks from their forthcoming album “Duality.” Rachel Love also drops by for a chat & to play tracks from her forthcoming album titled “Lyra” Also on the show is music promoter Sam Wilde from UXB …